Development and implementation of an innovative and energy-saving system of a hot runner technology for die-casting non-ferrous alloys.

Project group: Projekty Programu Operacyjnego "Inteligentny Rozwój 2014-2020"
The term: stycznia 2020 - grudnia 2022
Project Manager: dr inż. Bartłomiej Płonka

Development and implementation of an innovative and energy-saving system of a hot runner technology for die-casting non-ferrous alloys.


Akronim: GORKAN


Rodzaj projektu:

Program Operacyjny "Inteligentny Rozwój 2014-2020"

I Oś Priorytetowa PO IR: Wsparcie prowadzenia prac B+R przez przedsiębiorstwa

Działanie 1.1: Projekty B+R przedsiębiorstw

                               Poddziałanie 1.1.1:Badania przemysłowe i prace rozwojowe realizowane przez przedsiębiorstwa (tzw. „szybka ścieżka”)


Numer umowy:  POIR.01.01.01-00-0318/19-00


Kierownik projektu IMN OML: dr inż. Bartłomiej Płonka


Daty realizacji: 01.01.2020-31.12.2022



Całkowity koszt dla projektu:  16 066 972,13 zł


w tym wysokość dofinansowania z UE: 9 056 556,28 zł


Opis projektu:

The main goal of the project is to create a concept, design and market introduction for an innovative and energy-efficient die assembly, i.e. a system called hot-runner (GK) that feeds the raw material to the injection mould. The new product will be a proprietary solution and the know-how of the applicants team.

Research will concern the potential and efficiency of operation of the hot-runner system in dies for casting non-ferrous metal alloys, magnesium, zinc and magnesium alloys in particular.

The design of hot-runner system will be based on the general principles of making hot channels for plastics processing. The novelty will be original solutions introduced to the nozzle geometry and closure as well as the idea of creating a sequential feeding system for pressure die castings for application with the non-ferrous metals. Within the scope of the project it is also planned to select materials for parts of the hot-runner system. In the range of new materials, attention is currently focused on the possible use of ceramics or sintered carbides for the nozzle tips operating in a hot-runner system, which are among the parts most exposed to wear.

The direct recipient of the benefits from the results of R & D works of this Project will be FAM Technika Odlewnicza Sp. z o.o. – diecasting foundry of non-ferrous alloys.


Projekt zrealizowany przez Konsorcjum w składzie:


FAM – Technika Odlewnicza Sp. z o.o. - Lider

Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Instytut Metali Nieżelaznych

HORN Sp. z o.o.


The Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals, Light Metals Division in Skawina, for more than 50 years specializes in studies of various casting technologies and other forms of light metals processing and surface treatment for the needs of basic R&D work carried out for the industry and other research centres.

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The IMN-OML Skawina meets the requirements of ISO 9001: 2008 for Quality Management System and has got the Certificate No. 170591-2014-AQ-POL-RvA issued by DNV (Det Norske Veritas) for the research and development work and design services in the field of light metals.


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Łukasiewicz Research Network - Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals  

Light Metals Division

ul. Pilsudskiego 19
32-050 SKAWINA

tel.: (4812) 276-40-88 (operator)
fax: (4812) 276-47-76

Pozycja GPS:

49°58'10.703"N, 19°48'1.583"E


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